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  • #9515932
    Value Prop Review
    Laura Madewell
    Oct 4, 2023

    I help L&D get recognised as a key driving function within the business by giving them a tool to create targeted training that delivers ROI.

    But there are quite a few options I’ve come up with from ‘finding the fit’ (and a couple of ICP options), and I have no idea which is the best 😕


    I help L&D teams engage people with key skills training that drive business revenue, reduce costs and improve time to competence, by creating life like simulations of their real world scenarios.

    I help L&D Managers/Directos, solve how to engage learners with needed training/upskilling, by giving them a tool which improves the quality of the training delivery and incorporates most innovative tech out there.

    I help L&D Managers/Directors serve the needs of mutliple teams around the business, in a scalable way, by delivering training programmes that can be personalised to individual role requirements.

    I help L&D Managers/Directors get recognised as a core driver/powerful function within the business by giving them a tool which allows them to produce hyper-targeted training which provides ROI.

    I help L&D managers, create training which delivers the required business impact from their team, by using proven methods of phycological, game based learning.

    I help HR Managers/Directors, solve high levels of employee churn and the associated departmental cost, by helping them create training that empowers and engages learners in their brand.

    I help Sales Managers increase the revenue their team are delivering by using hyper-targeted, game-based sales training methods which speak their competitive language & drive mastery of skills.

    We help L&D teams drive behaviour change which ensures employess are able to deliver business KPIs. This reflects on the efforts of the L&D team in a tangible way and creates ROI for their investment, unlike classic off the shelf eLearning which doesn\’t engage people.

    Will Barron
    Oct 5, 2023
    Will Barron Oct 5, 2023

    Your top value proposition looks great.

    The goal is to create a value proposition that will book the initial meeting.

    Once you have the meeting, we can sit down and run through a series of questions (diagnosis call) where the prospect tells us what we value and then for the remainder of their specific sales process, we pivot our messaging to that.

    Start building out your cadence with the value prop that is most likely to book the meeting and then if there are any issues/low meeting conversion rate, we can try a different one.

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