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  • #6509692
    Starting a New Job
    Sam Randazzo
    Feb 14, 2022

    Hey Will,

    I am starting a new job in a different industry. I have two weeks before the jobs starts.

    I have 3 questions.

    1.) What modules do you recommend I focus on in the next 2 weeks before I start working to show up at my best for the new job.

    2.) When researching a new industry where would you start?

    3.) What are your recommendations of things I should do it in my first two weeks, including modules and anything else?

    Will Barron
    Feb 16, 2022
    Will Barron Feb 16, 2022

    Hey Sam, congrats on the new role.

    First thing, have you built a 30, 60, 90 day plan? –

    How To Create a Winning 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan (+ Sales Plan Template)

    Next, I’d run through module #1 of the training the best you can.

    You might not have access to all the information as you haven’t started in the role yet. But going through that and making some strong, educated guesses will mean that on day one you’ll be able to start taking action.

    The workshops in module #1 will cover all the research you need to do for the role too.

    Sam Randazzo
    Feb 17, 2022
    Sam Randazzo Feb 17, 2022

    Hey will this is great I will get to work right away on this!

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