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  • #4505583
    How do you respond with prospects who just demand pricing without going through
    Jimmy Chrisovergis
    May 5, 2021

    Just had probably the most difficult prospect I’ve ever had. It was a last minute one that an SDR through on my calendar so I didn’t have time to prepare.

    But she just kept interrupting then was like “well what does your product cost”. We have multiple products with multiple tiers for each of them so it’s hard to just give a quote. Then she told me that our competitor is offering “everything” for a price of about 15% of what we charge. I know that competitor well and she has to be either lying or sorely mistaken. I’m pretty sure this ones a lost cause but I’d love to hear peoples strategies for dealing with prospects like this in general since she will definitely not be the last.

    Thank you in advance

    Will Barron
    May 5, 2021
    Will Barron May 5, 2021

    You are not employed to give out pricing. That can be done with a simple webpage.

    You are there to help the buyer understand if their budget, fits with your product and if your product solves a big enough pain to warrant spending their budget with you.

    First, if the buyer interrupts you… stop the demo/conversation right away. You’re wasting everyone’s time otherwise.

    If the competitor is offering everything you do for 15% less then ask “I understand that price is important. Can you let me know what the budget is that you’re working to and I’ll see if that 15% is accurate?”


    “I can share the pricing, that’s no problem. Can I ask a few questions to see what tier of service you require first?”

    If the buyer still doesn’t budge though… just give them the pricing and move on. They may be pricing you against the competition… the may be ready to do a deal but they’re shit at negotiating and they’re trying to get a discount.

    Angela Biddinger
    May 9, 2021
    Angela Biddinger May 9, 2021

    Solid advice Will. I like to just give them the pricing and move on quickly. Don’t try and sell someone who doesn’t want to be sold. Pick your battles.

    Matt Anderson
    May 24, 2021
    Matt Anderson May 24, 2021

    In this situation I’ll say, “So that I can get you an accurate quote, I need some additional information. Quoting the wrong thing won’t be helpful to you.”

    Will Barron
    May 27, 2021
    Will Barron May 27, 2021

    In this situation I’ll say, “So that I can get you an accurate quote, I need some additional information. Quoting the wrong thing won’t be helpful to you.”

    I like that Matt.

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