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  • #9512545
    Email – First Touch
    Layne Behncke
    Jul 11, 2023

    Hey Will,

    I have put together two emails. Looking for some input and guidance on moving forward. The two below are a little different in nature depending on how I met them/ if they are a cold call. I think I prefer the first more so either way. I am also looking for assistance on Subject lines: (Doctor Name – Ready for Growth?)


    Hey (name),

    I see you are offering Botox, exciting times for your step into Facial Aesthetics!

    Doctors like you are telling me they are ready for a change: they want higher revenue without having to be on site.

    When (Doctor/ Dentist, {{Company}}) came to us, she was ready to expand from Dentistry into the Dental Spa. Her manager was ready to see new growth and had concern on how to go about it. After discussing our platform – the use for therapeutics with TMD and Facial Aesthetics, including delegation to hygienists or assistants – it was an automatic yes.

    With the right technology on board & the right company to train and provide Open House assistance, their practice grew significantly. I have attached our ROI growth below.

    Let me know if it would make sense to hop on a call, I would love to help your Dental Spa grow!

    Best wishes,




    Hi (Name),

    I noticed you attended a Facial Aesthetic training recently!

    Are you ready for the next step in forming your Dental Spa and unsure who to trust?

    I’d be happy to explain how you can gain ROI while remaining off site, receive Open House assistance, and have your office staff trained all with one acquisition.

    Does it make sense to jump on a call to discuss your potential growth?

    Best Wishes,


    Will Barron
    Jul 14, 2023
    Will Barron Jul 14, 2023

    Hey Layne, you’re on the right tracks!

    Here are a couple of thoughts –

    • Try and make the emails as short as possible. Anything that doesn’t need to be there should be removed.
    • Don’t share too much. You want to build curiosity so that there’s a reason to book a call.
    • You’ve added a light layer of personalisation (which is great). Is there a deeper level you can add?
    • The call to action should be a question (end in an ?) rather than a semi question/statement.
    • Sometimes being a little softer comes across as less “salesly” and so converts better (see email 2 below).

    Here’s how I’d perhaps rewrite them –

    EMAIL 1:

    Hi [NAME],

    I see you are offering [SPECIFIC TYPE] Botox. 

    [DR NAME] offered this service but wanted to increase revenue whilst reducing their time in the office.

    After discussing our platform – the use for therapeutics with TMD and Facial Aesthetics and delegation to assistants – they made got started.

    With the right technology and coaching, their practice grew significantly.

    Would it make sense to jump on a quick call to see if we can help your practice grow, too?

    Best wishes,



    EMAIL 2:

    Hi [NAME],

    I noticed you attended [SPECIFIC CONFERENCE].

    Are you looking for the next step in growing your Dental Spa?

    I might be able to share how to improve revenue, whilst remaining off site, with Open House assistance via a new service. 

    If I’m straight with whether we can help (or not) would it make sense to jump on a quick call?

    Best Wishes,



    Layne Behncke
    Jul 17, 2023
    Layne Behncke Jul 17, 2023

    Got it, thank you!

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