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  • #6509718
    Do you sell SEO or PPC? I would be keen to chat
    Sarah Archer
    Mar 10, 2022

    Hi! I am relatively new to the Academy, and haven’t used the Community area of much at all, so I hope I am using this thread correctly.

    I am keen to chat with people within the SEO/PPC/digital marketing industry to bounce a few ideas off each other. I am working in the UK so if anyone outside of the UK wishes to reach out (probably not in our best interests to speak to direct competition within the UK).

    I look forward to speaking with some of you soon πŸ™‚


    Jimmy Chrisovergis
    Mar 11, 2022
    Jimmy Chrisovergis Mar 11, 2022

    Hi Sarah I sell full stack digital marketing but I’m in the UK. I’m working for a semi-famous marketer in our space and helping him scale his services.

    How is the world of SEO and PPC sales treating you? πŸ™‚

    Will Barron
    Mar 11, 2022
    Will Barron Mar 11, 2022

    Sarah – Best thing to do is drop any specific questions you have in the community. That way you’ll get people from outside your industry commenting as well.

    Sarah Archer
    Mar 21, 2022
    Sarah Archer Mar 21, 2022

    Gotcha – Thanks Will

    Sarah Archer
    Mar 21, 2022
    Sarah Archer Mar 21, 2022

    Hey Jimmy! It’s going well. But room for improvement, as always πŸ™‚

    How is it going for you?

    Jimmy Chrisovergis
    Mar 24, 2022
    Jimmy Chrisovergis Mar 24, 2022

    Hey Jimmy! It’s going well. But room for improvement, as always πŸ™‚

    How is it going for you?

    Things are good. I’m having a little push back from my current clients (I both do inbound closing and account management) on rising PPC pricing.

    I guess it’s been rising forever and will rise until it’s not profitable anymore.

    Do you get that objection?

    Sarah Archer
    Apr 5, 2022
    Sarah Archer Apr 5, 2022

    Hey Jimmy! It’s going well. But room for improvement, as always πŸ™‚

    How is it going for you?

    Things are good. I’m having a little push back from my current clients (I both do inbound closing and account management) on rising PPC pricing.

    I guess it’s been rising forever and will rise until it’s not profitable anymore.

    Do you get that objection?

    No, I don’t to be fair. But they set their budget to whatever they feel comfortable with. How are you getting on with selling SEO?

    Frederick Heppell
    Apr 7, 2022
    Frederick Heppell Apr 7, 2022

    Hey Sarah and Jimmy, I’m also in digital marketing sales. Good to connect πŸ™‚

    Jun 30, 2022
    Anonymous Jun 30, 2022

    Late to the thread but I’m also in the digital marketing space.

    It’s a machine learning web app that creates predictive audiences from 1p data that don’t suffer from fatigue to D2C business!

    Nice to meet you all!

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