• Author
  • #5509250
    Cover Photo Creation
    Sam Randazzo
    Jan 6, 2022

    Hey Will,

    I am currently working on my linked-in profile and wanted to take you up on helping create a cover photo.


    Still Loving the course!

    Will Barron
    Jan 7, 2022
    Will Barron Jan 7, 2022

    I am currently working on my linked-in profile and wanted to take you up on helping create a cover photo.

    Hey Sam, what specifically do you need help with?

    Sam Randazzo
    Jan 8, 2022
    Sam Randazzo Jan 8, 2022

    Hey Will,

    I am not sure what I should do with my LinkedIn cover photo. I work in digital marketing and am not sure How to brand myself.

    So when you said in the authority module.

    “If you’re struggling with the graphics/design of your cover photo, post in the community, and the Selling Made Simple Academy team will create one for you.”

    I was hoping you could create one for me; if I am honest, I have no graphic design experience, so I am not sure what guidance to give you.

    I want it to be eye-catching, my favorite color is red, and I want it to make me look professional.

    Let me know if you need more specifics than that.


    Will Barron
    Jan 25, 2022
    Will Barron Jan 25, 2022

    Sam – Email me (will@salesman.org) a high resolution photo of yourself, what your personal value proposition is (I help X, do Y via Z) and anything else that you think would help make the image congruent to you as an individual and I’ll have our graphic artist work on it.

    Sam Randazzo
    Jan 25, 2022
    Sam Randazzo Jan 25, 2022

    Hey, will I appreciate it. I will have a photo for you before the end of the day.

    Lauren Bailey
    Jan 25, 2022
    Lauren Bailey Jan 25, 2022

    Can I take you up on this too Will please?

    Will Barron
    Jan 26, 2022
    Will Barron Jan 26, 2022

    Can I take you up on this too Will please?

    Yep, drop me an email.

    Sam Randazzo
    Feb 7, 2022
    Sam Randazzo Feb 7, 2022

    Hey Will I wanted to give you update on this.

    I recently decided to seek employment else where and have found a new job in b2b saas sales.

    I don’t start till the 28th and will need to re-work my mission statement as I learn more about my ideal customer.

    I wanted to wait till I start my new job before taking you up on this offer.

    Let me know if you think different, or if you have any more questions.


    Will Barron
    Feb 9, 2022
    Will Barron Feb 9, 2022

    Hey Will I wanted to give you update on this.

    I recently decided to seek employment else where and have found a new job in b2b saas sales.

    I don’t start till the 28th and will need to re-work my mission statement as I learn more about my ideal customer.

    I wanted to wait till I start my new job before taking you up on this offer.

    Let me know if you think different, or if you have any more questions.


    Amazing Sam, I’m really excited for you mate.

    Drop me an email if there’s anything I can do to help you prep for the new role!

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