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  • #7010135
    Clarity for Value Proposition Task
    Darryl King
    Jul 27, 2022

    I am new to the program and am working through the initial stages. I work for an MSP/MSSP.

    On the task where you categorise products / perk producers / strain reducers. I have over 600 products and (mostly managed) services in the portfolio, to which I have shortlisted some.

    Is it best practise to list perk producers / strain reducers against individual products and services, or to keep them more general like:

    • Our assessments provide an evidence based approach to help quantify risk exposure and prioritise necessary actions
    • Leverage economies of scale to produce better outcomes
    • Managed services allow clients to focus on their core mandate


    John H Holiday
    Jul 27, 2022
    John H Holiday Jul 27, 2022

    Hi Darryl, welcome to the academy!

    Is there a certain few products that you sell more than others? Or is there a few that tend to open the door to getting calls booked in?

    I would focus on those.

    No human can sell 600+ individual SKU’s that are not related to each other.

    Darryl King
    Jul 27, 2022
    Darryl King Jul 27, 2022

    Thanks John,

    Much of the portfolio is new to me due to us being acquired – the organisation has been transformed top to bottom (and I’ve done most of my target for the year on a single massive security deal, so I wouldn’t say I have sold a lot of the new services either).

    My preference would be to focus on security services, which whittles down the list a lot!

    I appreciate your guidance.

    Will Barron
    Jul 28, 2022
    Will Barron Jul 28, 2022

    Thanks John,

    Much of the portfolio is new to me due to us being acquired – the organisation has been transformed top to bottom (and I’ve done most of my target for the year on a single massive security deal, so I wouldn’t say I have sold a lot of the new services either).

    My preference would be to focus on security services, which whittles down the list a lot!

    I appreciate your guidance.

    OK time to be selfish. The goal with your cold outreach is to book a meeting. Once you’ve got the prospect on the call, you can discuss whatever products you think fit their needs.

    What product(s) do you think would be most likely to elicit a meeting getting booked? Focus on that.

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