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  • #9516716
    Advice on Cadence and Outbound Approach with Prospects in the Public Sector
    Nathan Roth
    Mar 15, 2024

    Our clients are mainly in manufacturing, I’d venture to say 70-80% of our schedule is performing training for manufacturing.  For these clients the buying process and discovery call is very simple and easy.

    After a bit of discussion we can quickly understand if they “NEED” training or not.  Our safety training is mandatory and most companies are not fully compliant with this, so technically they all need it.

    If they aren’t interested we provide some value and cordially end things in hopes they reach out after a trigger event.

    If they are interested we suggest a solution and set of services based on their needs, we send the proposal directly to them and they get purchasing approval.

    Usually, if the training is in their budget (which it normally is), they’re capable of scheduling it, and they can make maintenance take the course the sale will close and nothing typically complicates the deal.

    Our clients in the public sector are a COMPLETELY different story.

    We typically reach out to municipalities and county public works departments and see if they need training.  This gets complicated, because it is incredibly difficult to identify who is in charge of their workplace safety training.  And once we do find this out, there is a chance that the facilities manager handles these trainings, or HR, or risk management.  These prospects are very easy to talk to and accessible, you just have to do a lot of work to find the major ICP.

    The cadences I’ve used in the past were very hit or miss but the most responsive job title is the public works director.  They almost never handle the training but they are in charge of making sure it gets done to a certain extent.

    I’m curious if I should change how I do these cadences, because I actually have very little luck getting a response from Safety officers and managers when I reach them directly, almost always I need some sort of referral.  I think it would be more effective if I start this cadence off by verifying the ICP through contacting the minor ICP(s) to initiate the cadence and request a referral to whoever the decision maker is.

    Something like this:

    Day 1

    Call – Requesting to know who handles the workplace safety training in their organization.

    Voicemail – > Email – explaining I called and that I’ve worked with a similar organization and was curious if they had the same employees and trainings.

    Day 3

    Email – Email asking to be connected to whoever does safety training.

    Day 5

    Call – Asking who does safety training for their organization – > Voicemail
    Email – Explain I called and wasn’t sure if they trained through the local university or did their training on-site

    Day 8

    Short SMS Style Email – Let them know I will be contacting them later this week.

    Day 11

    Email – Communicate value proposition with storytelling about similar client

    Day 25

    Call -> Directly ask to be connected to whoever is in charge of safety – > Voicemail -> Break up Email

    This cadence may need to be even shorter if this person doesn’t answer me directly I can get an admin assistant or a receptionist to answer from the office pretty easily.

    It should be rare that I can’t qualify/unqualify the prospect before even engaging with the Major ICP and if I get in good with the Minor ICP I think I can develop a champion for the account while requesting a referral simultaneously.

    Michael Stone
    Mar 18, 2024
    Michael Stone Mar 18, 2024

    This cadence may need to be even shorter if this person doesn’t answer me directly I can get an admin assistant or a receptionist to answer from the office pretty easily.

    I think chances are the cadence needs a lot more activity. It’s only 4x emails over the course of a month.

    If they aren’t interested we provide some value and cordially end things in hopes they reach out after a trigger event.

    Do you give your prospects the next steps to reach out when you trigger event happens?

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