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  • #9012011
    Adding a text (SMS) Step to Cadence
    Stuart Summers
    May 30, 2023

    Hey Will,

    Looking for a bit of guidance on adding a text (SMS) step. Don’t want to overthink this, so really just want to convert my fairly effective 1st email step for poor profiles in to a text. So what would a text look like that conveys a similar message to this email;

    Hi {{first_name}},

    I just noticed the 2.1* rating from 47 reviews for {{company}}.

    The Trustpilot page ranks number one in Google when I searched for {{company}} reviews too.
    Would you be open to me sharing how to turn that page into an asset?
    Will Barron
    May 30, 2023
    Will Barron May 30, 2023

    Hey Stuart.

    Texts need to be super sharp and to the point.

    Write it as if you’re texting a friend –

    I just noticed the 2.1* rating from 47 reviews for {{company}}.

    Can I send you some info on how to improve it?

    Stuart (TrustPilot)


    Or perhaps –

    Your TrustPilot page ranks higher than your homepage on Google.

    The issue? The reviews are not very positive.

    Can I drop you an email with the fix?

    Stuart (TrustPilot)


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