Klaus Jørgensen
May 10, 2024
Klaus Jørgensen May 10, 2024

My income goal is based on 14 leads a day. But I am behind…a lot. Thats why I have increased the number of people that goes into the cadence. You Social Lead generation – New LinkedIn system have already changed my perspective on how to do it. Still tweaking it.

1. Connection without message

2. Intro-message to cold leads:

Hello John, good to connect here. It seems that your organization is growing quite a bit. That must place significant demands on the organization. Would you mind if I ask about your organization and recruiting process on management level?

Do you think that is to agressive – Should I split it in two? 

3. Nudge: A good network is a valuable avenue for generating new candidates. Beyond your network, do you utilize any additional strategies for finding candidates?

4. CTA: Yeah, I hear that often. I just helped [Company] find a [Position]. They expressed that it took a load off their shouldersIt’s completely fine if it’s not possible, but would it make sense to have a quick chat over the phone and take a look at your process?