Will Barron
Apr 11, 2024
Will Barron Apr 11, 2024

Hey Jake, we covered this on the group coaching call.

BUT… you left out that first email which kinda makes more sense to her not wanting to jump on a call.

Once a person decides something (I’m not doing a call) they tend to stick with that choice even when they learn more information (there’s a bunch of questions to answer before you’re going to get a quote) and that original uninformed decision was dumb.

My first response would have been –


I’d love to give you all the details and a quote over email but it’s difficult to do that without learning more about your situation.

Would it make sense to jump on a 10 minute call and I can get all of that sorted for you?

I’ve kids myself/my brother has a baby/insert rapport building baby line so if you need to jump off mid call to look after the little one that’s no problem.


Not sure it would have changed the outcome but it would probably have avoided the passive aggressive response that you got.