Will Barron
Apr 11, 2024
Will Barron Apr 11, 2024

Some thoughts –

  • Nobody cares (I do…) about your boo-hoo redundancy story. Remove that.
  • First line should be your value prop to the company. Then hitting the targets. Nothing else realllllly matters.

I thought I was going to have more feedback but that’s basically it.

FYI your cover letter and CV get ripped apart with a bunch of SaaS and then delivered in a simple email to the hiring manager alongside a shitload of other candidates.

They then click a tick/cross to whittle down the candidates from 50+ to 5ish before they even start to look at your work history etc.

Absolutely the first thing they should be seeing is a list of clear successes. That’ll all you should really need to get interviews.