Nov 14, 2023
Will Barron
Nov 14, 2023
Will Barron
Nov 14, 2023
For example:
It’s a daunting task to run through the countless job applications that you’ll have just got for the recently advertised New Business Developer role.
I’ve a proven track record with [X evidence] and can solve [Y problem].
Would it make sense to jump on a quick call, potentially shorten your hiring cycle and see if I’m a good fit to start generating new business at [company]?
Additional thoughts:
- The goal isn’t to supplement your formal job application, it’s to make it redundant.
- Sales leadership want to see someone who can hustle. Someone that can think out of the box and get the key people involved in a decision on a call.
- They WANT you to close them. They’ll also reward you for making an effort too :).
- Good sellers are really hard to come by (50% of sellers missed quota last year). Sales leadership know this and so they jump at the chance to connect with people who might be a good fit right now or in the not too distant future.