Will Barron
Oct 25, 2023
Will Barron Oct 25, 2023

Hey Stuart,

Does it not come off as incongruent if your messaging talks about calling them if you don’t have their number?

If you give the prospect a link to your calendar there is no pressure for them to get the demo booked in as they know they can book it in 6-weeks if they like. It’s better to ask if they’d like the link to get the ping-pong of conversation going.

I’d be a little more gentle with your initial email. I know you’re probably getting a bunch of these a day and most of them are a waste of your time, but they don’t know that.

Subject:- Trustpilot Demo Request

Hi {{{Recipient.FirstName}}}

Thanks for requesting a Demo of Trustpilot. I just tried to call you.

Demo’s are done on Zoom so I can share my screen, and we can have a chat about what outcomes you’re looking to achieve through reviews, and Trustpilot.

Book a day and time here; https://calendar.app.google/i1dZbv7rMC6appEi6

If you clicked the “Demo Request” by accident ping me back an email to let me know, so I don’t keep pestering you.


Something more like –


I just dropped you a quick call to arrange a time for your personalised Trust Pilot demo.

Would it make sense to book a slot to go over how Trust Pilot can potentially help you [REASON FOR DEMO]?
