Will Barron
Sep 24, 2023
Will Barron Sep 24, 2023

and ask that you please hold me to a world class standard on these.

I’d expect nothing less from you mate!

Email 1

Subject Line: Patient Access

I’d give her a little more in the subject line. This could be a super boring internal memo.

“Patient access priority?”

Launching Yale Medicine’s new Infection Center could bring new logistical challenges, especially for Patient Access.

I’d make this more conversational. Imagine sitting down next to someone at a conference and saying that out loud to them. You’d sound like a robot.

I’m assuming “patient access” is an industry term as it doesn’t really make sense if it isn’t.

“Opening a new infection center always brings logistical challenges.

We might be able to help in this exciting time.”

If it makes sense to talk Rosalyn, how does your calendar look this week?

You know my thoughts on these close ended CTAs. They’re a little gross.

“Is there value in a quick call to see if there scope to help with your new project?”