Avtar Cheema
May 11, 2023
Avtar Cheema May 11, 2023

why beat yourself up when you have the rest of the world to do that for you?

If you don’t back yourself no one else ever will.

(I don’t feel that I’m worth that kind of bonus to my business and it’s making me second guess my actions.)

if your not doing anything that goes against your own moral values, then keep going. if its too much bonus send it my way, to A Cheema, Santander,  sort code 23-23-39, acct num 3094 1433

You have to respect yourself, watch the self esteem video in this training.

(This isn’t a blip. I’ve been thinking that the rug is just about to be pulled from under me for 12-months.)

That’s pure fear. and its standing in front of you controlling and bullying you. Fear is a force, place it behind you and let it push you along at your pace, then you are control.

Believe in yourself

(PS – I appreciate that might come off as a humble brag. But really, I’m from a single parent, low income household in the UK. I know this is a self belief issue but I’m not sure how to break through it.)

so what. just because you are from a humble back ground does not mean you can’t earn and enjoy an honest living. share the fruits with some folk less well off