Lauren Bailey
Oct 27, 2022
Lauren Bailey Oct 27, 2022

Hi Tom! I’m sure the Salesman.org team will be in here shortly a couple of things stuck out of me like a sore thumb.

Your subject lines are too long. The litmus test for me is to email the email to myself and see if I can read the subject line on my iPhone. I think it’s around 40 characters. With that said, 40% open rates are within acceptable range.

The first lines need to be personalised. “We just helped Nivea reduce their cost per visit by 60% and explained what was working (and what was killing their CPC).” Put yourself in the buyers shoes. They’re probably thinking “yeah, so…”

I’d be saying “I see that you’re doing PPC on XYZ platform. Costs are getting expensive, right?” Then “you’re in the same market as XYZ, we just reduced their cost per visit by 60%” and the final line “Would it make sense to jump on a quick call to see if we can do the same for you?”

– Attention
– Social proof

Finally, in a lot of markets, when your prospects are damn busy people, 4 unpersonalised emails just isn’t enough to get attention. It’s going to take 6-8 touches including adding people on LinkedIn etc to book calls.

I hope that helps!!