Will Barron
Jun 6, 2022
Will Barron Jun 6, 2022

Hey Stuart, I think it depends on how you’re wired.

As you know we’ve just got rid of the office as all our team prefers remote work.

Couple of things you might find valuable though –

– Create a dedicated work space. I know the size of your sodding house so use one of your spare bedrooms. Make it nice, put everything you need in there. Invest into your environment and it will positively shape your actions.

– Set clear work boundaries with your time (i.e. you close your laptop at 6pm and refuse to open it until the next morning) and access to people in the house (i.e. they don’t pester you between certain hours).

– Think about how you can TAKE ADVANTAGE of not driving to the office and having a reasonable amount of freedom during the day. For example, if you’re extroverted and feeling lonely with no office colleagues, can you jump on a virtual coffee with them each morning? Heck, without having to commute, do you now have the time to grab a real coffee somewhere nice each morning?